Tuesday, March 17, 2009


"Latest statistics: 3% of DC's 591,833= 17,755 OR 3% of DMV's 5.3 million= 159,000! Whether this new statistic refers to the city only or the entire Metro area, one this is for certain... this is still not all of the statistics!"

On yesterday, the Washington Post published an alarming story about the DC area and its HIV rate. As of current, the DC area now has an astonishing 3% of residents living with HIV... AND THIS IS JUST THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN TESTED!

I for one am shocked, but not surprised. For the past 10 years, the HIV rate in the District has been rising steadily, faster then all cities in the nation for the majority of the time. And although the area CDC and DOH have done an aggressive job of getting the word out and providing assistance for prevention, this has still not been enough.

I definitely want to big up the CDC and DOH. For the past 5 years, I have spotted numerous signs, commercials and information warning the city residents about the HIV rate and also offering many measures to assist those that are HIV+, including free medication. I have watched buses pass me with huge signs attached shouting the alarming "1 in 4 residents are infected" statistic. Yet evidently, this has done nothing to wake up or help the public.


This staggering number and information begs the question: "What else can be done?" I think the answer is very simple, but people make it hard for themselves. At this point, it is clear that the only thing that can be done is BECOME ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOURSELF! This is not he next step, or the most reasonable step, but it is the ONLY step!

In talking to many people about these facts over the years, I have noticed that the common thought is still "It only affects gay men". It saddens me as both a health professional and a young African American woman to hear people say this. How easily we forget the fact that African Americans have the HIGHEST rate of HIV, with it being the leading case of death for WOMEN between the ages of 25-34. Let us also not forget that women have a higher percentage of contraction during heterosexual intercourse.

Since knowing these numbers, for the past 3 years I have been tested when I have my yearly physicals. I will share this: each time, whether I had a reason to be or not, I was scared, nervous and anxious. I will not pretend that being tested is a "happy and joyous" experience as some of the initiatives and campaigns have made it out to be. But I will stand on the fact that knowing my status is invigorating and a blessing and I could not live life not knowing.

I know that things happen and we all have "slipped up" or done things that have been unsafe in regards to this disease. If this is the case, take ownership of your action and become informed of your status! If this is not the case, please continue to stay safe and remember that abstinence is the only 100% safety net.


Monday, March 9, 2009

"Pearly whites have always been an attention grabber!"

Have you thought about having your teeth whitened? Maybe you've entertained the thought of permanent make-up? Any cosmetic procedure? In thinking about having a cosmetic procedure's done, have you weighed the risks?

In her article "9 Cosmetic Treatments To Rethink", Maggie Koerth-Baker helps you understand just how to look at the facts and weight them. If the procedure you're interested isn't on the list, apply the methods in the article to assist you before you make your decision.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Buy me some spaghetti and fish, which is my favorite dish..."

Plamen Petkov suggests these nine foods:

1/2/3) Almonds, Pistachio's, Walnuts have Vitamin E, an antioxidant.
4) Avocado's are bursting with Potassium.
5) Got Milk? Skim is a good source of Calcium.
6) Oatmeal has the Fiber power to keep you regular.
7) Oranges help you C (vitamin) yourself through cold and flu seasons.
8) Salmon and Omega-3 go hand in hand.
9) Spinach will bring out your inner Popeye's with Magnesium.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"When will obesity become an epidemic?"

According to Gina Kolata at the New York Times, they just may be. In this articles, some standards ideas and thoughts are placed on the table and then dissected. It's a great read for anyone who has some questions about how the research of today and the comparisions to earlier years just may be lacking some fundamental aspects.


>> Diet and exercise do matter, but these environmental influences alone do not determine an individual’s weight.
>> The notion that Americans ever ate well is suspect.
>> The recent rise in obesity may have more to do with our increasingly sedentary lifestyles than with the quality of our diets.
>> It’s difficult for an individual to hold calorie intake to a precise amount from day to day.
>> The brain exerts astonishing control over body composition and how much individuals eat.
>> The research is just beginning, true, but already it has upended some hoary myths about dieting.

Check out the article in its entirety HERE. Enjoy!


Monday, March 2, 2009



As a Grad Student and young business professional, I continuously have lot on my plate. So much that I usually have to hole myself up in either my apartment, office or a local bookstore for hours studying, researching or tending to business affairs.

I know that my actions above mirror most individuals within my age group. This is why I am encouraging you all, just as I encourage myself, to take the time out to get a breath of fresh air. A brisk walk. A morning run. An afternoon coffee break at a table outdoors. I can speak from experience when I say that just giving yourself a small break and taking in some fresh air helps you both revitalize you and allow you to refocus.

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed, spending long hours holed up, or having a creative block, take a few minutes, step outside, inhale, exhale and then go back at it. I promise, you'll feel so much better...
*holds up three fingers*
...Scout Honor ;^D.