Children's Healthcare Bill Revamped and Passed...

Friday, January 30, 2009

"Prevention is better than curing"... it is better to stop something
bad from happening than it is to deal with it after it has happened.

On January 29, the Senate passed and expanded the bill for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The passing of this bill would be a huge first step and victory for President Obama and his Healthcare Initiave our last president, HTSNBN ("he that shall not be named"), vetoed... twice. for improvement of the system. Another statement President Obama would make is that he is definitely about CHANGE and sticking to providing the American people to what he has promised as long as it is capable. This is the same bill that

President Obama and his people seem to understand what it takes to jumpstart this initiative. This was a great opening chess move. For the American people, this is the best cost effective route. prevention is always less expensive than emergency care. If a child that cannot afford treatment is treated at a hospital for emergency and the parents doesn't pay, we as a people eat that cost. So why not offer preventative measures that we do not directly pay for so that we do not have ot pay later? Makes sense...

Key Points of the Bill:
1) Renews and improves SCHIP
2) Coverage roughly covers 11 million children; preserving coverage for a current 7 million and extending to 4 million (eligibility) within SCHIP and medicaid
3) Most cost effective move for taxpayers and children
4) Allows state to provide provisions to include legal immigrant children before waiting the once mandatory 5 year period
5) Fully paid for by an increase in the tobacco tax

Right now, it's just a bill. Let's hope it becomes more!

To learn more about the information referenced and/or provided in this article, you can click the links through the post or to any of the following:
> H.R. 2 Bipartisan Children's Health Bill Facts (news blaze)
> Senate Passes Health Insurance Bill for Children (washington post)
> Catching up on the Senate Childre's Health insurance Debate (congress matters)
> Republicans Oppose Broader Children's Health Bill (associate press)
> "I'm Just a Bill"...

"I'm just a bill... Yes, I'm only a bill...
And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.
Well, it's a long, long journey... To the capital city.
It's a long, long wait... While I'm sitting in committee,
But I know I'll be a law someday... At least I hope and pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill. "

*sidebar* Was School House Rock not the best learning commercials on Saturday morning EVER! Am I the only one who knows them all and can sing every lyric? Maybe it's because I had educators as parents who bought me only educational toys and videos as a child. Even though School House Rock was before my time, I still love them! They need to be revamped and brought back!

FITT FUNNY: School Lunch Sucks...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"^That^ covers your 5 basic food groups:
'Fat, Sugar, Fat, Gristle and Fat'!"

I'm not sure how far along school lunch has come, but as far back as I can remember it has always been a controversial issue. When I was in school, our school lunch was often a mystery. In highschool, we didn't have an open campus to leave and chose on our own, so often times we either snuck off campus r purchased from the school store. Even though the school store had identifiable items, it was still as if we jumped from the fire back to the frying pan. Our store sold Chicken wings, fries, mozzarella sticks, ho-ho's, oatmeal pies, and any other snacks a health conscious parent wouldn't want their child to indulge in on a daily basis.

Yesterday, I came across a School House Rock spoof that I could not help but laugh and enjoy. *Warning* You must possess an open mind and great sense or humor.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


To celebrate "OBAMA DAY" a.k.a. Inauguration, we've compiled the best articles on the web that refer to Obama and his commitment and belief in fitness. Check them out!

--> "Obama Is Fit, Are you?"
Using Obama as a basis for you to analyze your own physical fitt condition.

-->"Hoops, Treadmill and Trailmix"
Sounds like a great regimen!

--> "Fit For Office"
The President can have a six pack and be sexy, too.

--> "Obama Ranks On 25 Fittest List"
His commitment puts him in the presence of greatness.

--> "Gym Rat In Chief"
Working out can sometimes become addictive... giving the best 'high'

--> "Faith In Fitness Increases"
The more he stresses, the more he takes it out on the free weights and basketball court.

Dear Mister President...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Over at Men's Fitness, EIC Roy S. Johnson has the "write" idea; a letter to the Commander-In-Chief begging him to outlaw obesity... sort of.

Johnson writes an open letter to the President making a plea for a more hands on and vigorous approach to the current health and healthcare status of Americans by giving some great suggestions. I believe it can be said that he's spoken for the majority of the health and fitness community very well! Here are some highlights:

"Take a defibrillator to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Host a fitness summit on par with the economic summit you held just days after the election (I'd be glad to attend) and discuss ways to resuscitate and elevate that moribund agency. Then infuse it with a real agenda, real resources, real power."
--- When was the last time you heard a peep from this group? I bet you forgot this existed. The only cool memory I have is when FloJo (Florence Griffin- Joyner) said she was the chairwoman, and that was back in 1993 when I was in elementary school! I couldn't even begin to tell you who the chairperson is now.

"Help schools to reinstate gym classes, many of which were eliminated because of cost cutting. "
--- Remember when gym and recess where the highlight of the school day! Just thinking about the chance to release all the energy you'd built up while learning your times tables and trying to find out why green eggs and ham went together was sometimes overwhelming. For the lucky ones, you got either two recesses or gym and recess. Oh, the days of having activity during school was the best.

"Appoint a fitness czar. They would be an evangelist for exercise and nutrition who would help share best practices from city to city. They would spur more initiatives, educate Americans about the benefits of fitness, and motivate the stragglers to get off their butts."
--- My vote is for Roy S. Johnson, the genius behind this plan. Runner's up: Jillian Michaels, Richard Simmons and Billy Blanks/Harvey E. Walden IV. As you can see, it was a clear and easy choice.

Just my thoughts... you can read the article in its entirety HERE.

BONUS** Since I mentioned FloJo, I could not pass up the opportunity to post one of her amazing races!

What did you think about the article? Do you feel something was left out or things were said that weren't necessary? Share your thoughts!


Monday, January 12, 2009


TO knows the importance of having a strong... and ripped... core.

Start your fitness resolutions off right! Build a strong core with these moves for the month of January. This workout has been designed to help you start off strong by focusing on the foundation aspects of a healthy and strong body.
Start in a side plank with left wrist under shoulder, right hand behind head, elbow out; stack legs, left foot in front of right. Keeping abs tight, bend left knee toward chest as you draw right elbow toward knee (as shown). Return to start. Switch sides; repeat.

Keeping legs straight and arms bent, slowly raise arms and legs off the ground; as you lift, gaze down and keep your head in line with your spin. Lower to starting position and repeat.

Lie face up with knees bent, calves lifted and parallel to ground. Place hands behind head, fingers unclasped. Contract abs and bring left knee toward right shoulder as you lift right shoulder blade off ground while extending right leg to 45 degrees without locking knee. Switch sides to complete 1 rep, and continue to alternate in a rhythmic, controlled motion using abs to do the movement. Keep hips on the ground and elbows in line with shoulders so you don't rock from side to side.

Get on the floor in modified plank position with forearms on the ground and elbows aligned under shoulders. Balance on toes or knees.Straighten left arm, then right. Hold full plank pose for 2 counts, then lower left forearm, followed by right, to the floor.

begin by lying on your back. Raise both legs in the air, straight. Drop on leg and then return to the starting position. Switch to the other leg and repeat.


LIE ON YOUR BACK ON THE FLOOR, BEND YOUR KNEES 90 DEGREES, and plant your feet flat. Tuck your chin slightly toward your chest. Raise your arms off the floor so that they’re parallel to your body and pointing toward your feet. KEEPING YOUR FEET AND BUTT ON THE FLOOR, RAISE YOUR TORSO OFF THE FLOOR and toward your thighs, coming up as far as you can (it’s OK to let your lower back come off the floor). The movement should be smooth; don’t jerk. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position. That’s one rep.


Thursday, January 1, 2009


Maybe I need to add "Get 6 hours of sleep nightly" to my list? Hmm... nah, 4 hours is just fine, even if I'm dog tired in the mornings, lol!

New Year, New You!

As usual, you've probably placed something in regards to fitness and health at the top of your New Year's Resolution list, correct? Maybe it's "eat better", "begin to workout", or even "rest/relax more". Whatever the fitness resolution may be, the only way one can be successful with their "Resolutions" is to format AND execute a carefully laid out and effective plan.

Planning is key. To help you out, we've composed some tips that we believe can help you plan for success!

This is of the utmost importance. It is best to evaluate yourself and your habits. If you know you're not a morning person, a resolution should not rely on you waking up early to accomplish it (i.e. early mooring workouts). Now, if your resolution is to become a morning person (i.e. waking up earlier), limit your resolution to that aspect. Trying to compound interests (i.e. waking up earlier and doing a morning workout) can become overwhelming and cause you to be unsuccessful. Know your limitations.

Continue to think about what your goals and steps are. Tell others. This helps on the basis that people will remember and repeat back to you what you have proclaimed. This constant reminder helps keep you focused, being that you want to prove that you can do what you've said you are trying to do. Whatever you do to wind down and relax, use this time to remind yourself of your goals and also refocus when and if necessary.

And keep them visible. Nothing helps like seeing your thoughts and goals constantly.

Have whatever you really want, as long as it does not interfere or deter you from your goals. You successfully continued your workout program for a month. Great! Go out to that restaurant that you love so much and order your favorite meal. You deserve it. Just remember that this is a reward, not a habit to fall into.

All of your resolutions do not have to begin on January 1st. You can based them upon seasons or time frames of when you want to accomplish each step. For instance, a beginning fitness goal may be to exercise twice a week beginning at the start of the new year. The next step may be to join a boot camp, which can be in the Spring.

Do the best you can each day, and take each day one at a time. Use these moments for learning. Make adjustments to the plan if necessary. This is about your comfort levels, so setbacks are simply warnings that you need to adjust, not quit. Refocusing after accepting your convictions for missteps helps to make your resolutions more permanent in your life.

'Nough said.

Share with us…what are YOUR New Year’s resolutions around health? Have you come up with any yet? Need help? Need support? We got you!