Start your fitness resolutions off right! Build a strong core with these moves for the month of January. This workout has been designed to help you start off strong by focusing on the foundation aspects of a healthy and strong body.

Start in a side plank with left wrist under shoulder, right hand behind head, elbow out; stack legs, left foot in front of right. Keeping abs tight, bend left knee toward chest as you draw right elbow toward knee (as shown). Return to start. Switch sides; repeat.
Keeping legs straight and arms bent, slowly raise arms and legs off the ground; as you lift, gaze down and keep your head in line with your spin. Lower to starting position and repeat.
Lie face up with knees bent, calves lifted and parallel to ground. Place hands behind head, fingers unclasped. Contract abs and bring left knee toward right shoulder as you lift right shoulder blade off ground while extending right leg to 45 degrees without locking knee. Switch sides to complete 1 rep, and continue to alternate in a rhythmic, controlled motion using abs to do the movement. Keep hips on the ground and elbows in line with shoulders so you don't rock from side to side.

Get on the floor in modified plank position with forearms on the ground and elbows aligned under shoulders. Balance on toes or knees.Straighten left arm, then right. Hold full plank pose for 2 counts, then lower left forearm, followed by right, to the floor.

begin by lying on your back. Raise both legs in the air, straight. Drop on leg and then return to the starting position. Switch to the other leg and repeat.SITUPS
LIE ON YOUR BACK ON THE FLOOR, BEND YOUR KNEES 90 DEGREES, and plant your feet flat. Tuck your chin slightly toward your chest. Raise your arms off the floor so that they’re parallel to your body and pointing toward your feet. KEEPING YOUR FEET AND BUTT ON THE FLOOR, RAISE YOUR TORSO OFF THE FLOOR and toward your thighs, coming up as far as you can (it’s OK to let your lower back come off the floor). The movement should be smooth; don’t jerk. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position. That’s one rep.

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