Over at Men's Fitness, EIC Roy S. Johnson has the "write" idea; a letter to the Commander-In-Chief begging him to outlaw obesity... sort of.
Johnson writes an open letter to the President making a plea for a more hands on and vigorous approach to the current health and healthcare status of Americans by giving some great suggestions. I believe it can be said that he's spoken for the majority of the health and fitness community very well! Here are some highlights:
Johnson writes an open letter to the President making a plea for a more hands on and vigorous approach to the current health and healthcare status of Americans by giving some great suggestions. I believe it can be said that he's spoken for the majority of the health and fitness community very well! Here are some highlights:
"Take a defibrillator to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Host a fitness summit on par with the economic summit you held just days after the election (I'd be glad to attend) and discuss ways to resuscitate and elevate that moribund agency. Then infuse it with a real agenda, real resources, real power."
--- When was the last time you heard a peep from this group? I bet you forgot this existed. The only cool memory I have is when FloJo (Florence Griffin- Joyner) said she was the chairwoman, and that was back in 1993 when I was in elementary school! I couldn't even begin to tell you who the chairperson is now.
"Help schools to reinstate gym classes, many of which were eliminated because of cost cutting. "
--- Remember when gym and recess where the highlight of the school day! Just thinking about the chance to release all the energy you'd built up while learning your times tables and trying to find out why green eggs and ham went together was sometimes overwhelming. For the lucky ones, you got either two recesses or gym and recess. Oh, the days of having activity during school was the best.
"Appoint a fitness czar. They would be an evangelist for exercise and nutrition who would help share best practices from city to city. They would spur more initiatives, educate Americans about the benefits of fitness, and motivate the stragglers to get off their butts."
--- My vote is for Roy S. Johnson, the genius behind this plan. Runner's up: Jillian Michaels, Richard Simmons and Billy Blanks/Harvey E. Walden IV. As you can see, it was a clear and easy choice.
Just my thoughts... you can read the article in its entirety HERE.
BONUS** Since I mentioned FloJo, I could not pass up the opportunity to post one of her amazing races!
What did you think about the article? Do you feel something was left out or things were said that weren't necessary? Share your thoughts!
Just my thoughts... you can read the article in its entirety HERE.
BONUS** Since I mentioned FloJo, I could not pass up the opportunity to post one of her amazing races!
What did you think about the article? Do you feel something was left out or things were said that weren't necessary? Share your thoughts!
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