Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"When will obesity become an epidemic?"

According to Gina Kolata at the New York Times, they just may be. In this articles, some standards ideas and thoughts are placed on the table and then dissected. It's a great read for anyone who has some questions about how the research of today and the comparisions to earlier years just may be lacking some fundamental aspects.


>> Diet and exercise do matter, but these environmental influences alone do not determine an individual’s weight.
>> The notion that Americans ever ate well is suspect.
>> The recent rise in obesity may have more to do with our increasingly sedentary lifestyles than with the quality of our diets.
>> It’s difficult for an individual to hold calorie intake to a precise amount from day to day.
>> The brain exerts astonishing control over body composition and how much individuals eat.
>> The research is just beginning, true, but already it has upended some hoary myths about dieting.

Check out the article in its entirety HERE. Enjoy!