It's important to get your blood pumping at the start of your day. Wake, drink 8oz of water and then get in a round of exercise. Following these simple rules can help you decide how to best plan your F.I.T.T.Start®:
1) Do both cardio and body strength exercises
2) 3-5 exercises, 2 sets, as many reps as your comfortable with
3) Stay within your exercise limits (types of exercise you can do, how many)
4) Continue to challenge yourself daily and change up order and types of exercises for variety
5) Keep your workout between 15-30 minutes
The benefits of morning exercise are numerous. The two most important benefits are that you a) feel more energetic throughout your day and b) you're calmer and more productive.
Example F.I.T.T.Start® routine:
> Jump n jacks
> Lunges
> Mountain Climbers
> Sit-ups
> Bridges
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