Whether you know it or not, your mentality plays a huge role in your fitness and health states. Where your mind is at is as important as how your form is during and exercise or a yearly physical. The saying "mind over matter" is a very true one. The translation of this idiom is that the power of your mind is stronger than the body. That to me says that if you're thinking it and focused on it, it can be.
With the right ingredients, a bath can not only help your to body to relax, but it can also allow you to open your mind and think or not think about things that are happening around you. Speaking for myself, most of my Einstein moments were while bubbles were wrapped around my body. But hey, you don't have to take my word for it. All I ask is that you try.

Try some of these additions to help make bath time your zen time:
1) Scented Bubble Bath... Preferably an aroma therapy type
2) Candles... Once again, aroma therapy smells help
3) Your favorite relaxation drink
4) Something to do... Read your favorite book, write in a journal, have a specific thought you want to mull over or even decide to let your thoughts run wild
5) Try not to rush through it
6) Epsom salt... For those that has tightness in muscles and joints or just had a workout
7) Breathing and/or thought exercises
8) Low lights... This is where the candles can come in
9) No interruptions... Tell the boo, spouse, and/or kids to leave you be!