It's September, and for me that often means a time for change. While the official start date of Fall/Autumn is the 22nd, the month of September denotes a new season. Why not make some resolutions? You do it for the New Year, and whether you realize or not, you do it for the Spring/Summer also [does this sound familiar; "I'm gonna start exercising/join a gym/hire a trainer so I can... a) fit into my new bikini b) have the ladies trip off my 6-8 pack c) not have cellulite].
Notice that when one make resolutions for an entire year at the beginning of the year, it is extremely hard to stick to or even get through all of those *promises* that you make to yourself. So here is my dare to you...and myself. Why not skim through those New Year Resolutions and select the ones that you have yet to accomplish? Next, choose the few that you know you can realistically complete or begin within the next 3 months and hop to them. This helps to ease the stress and demand of that long list you started in January.
Another options, for those who have either completed those New Year Resolutions or tossed them out completely, is to set new, smaller goals. Keep in mind that the things you choose must be complete or begun no later than December 1st.
Seasonal Resolutions can be an exceptional way to approach your life and goals in general. With shorter time periods, you feel the urgency of needing to complete the tasks., which spurs you to the finish line There's no stress of beginning yearly resolutions until November. You can accomplish larger goals in steps so that you don't feel overwhelmed with the end result you are seeking. Reassessments can be made so that you may see your tasks in a more realistic way after you have tried one way during the previous season.
You see, the benefits of Seasonal Resolutions far outweigh those promises you make to yourself just because a new year has begun or you feel you should look a certain way at a certain point in time. You're demanded to be consist in your life and lifestyle, and who couldn't use a little fitness consistency?
**Challenge: Take some time and put together your fitness and health Seasonal Resolutions and then come back and share them =)!**
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