FITT Tip #3...Stay Hydrated

Friday, September 5, 2008

Just looking at this picture made me yearn and pour myself a glass

Water is an essential component to daily function and workouts. The tricky thing is that one must know how to consume water so that they are able to both perform and maintain their hydration. While everyone is different, here are some general rules of thumb:

1) Old School Rule... 8-10 glasses (64oz - 80oz) a day
Not the huge cup you love to chug your kool-aid, but the smaller glass that usually is brought to your table when you ask for juice with your breakfast at a restaurant. This glass is typically 8oz., but some are 10oz. If you feel that you can't do 8 glasses, fro whatever reason, feel free to cut back, but never go below 6 glasses (42oz).

2) Before meals, drink a glass of water
This serves the double purpose of limiting the amount of food you can consume and also starting the digestion process.

3) 2 hours before exercise drink 10oz-16oz and 1 hour before drink an additional 8oz-16oz
When you workout, you sweat. Make sure the body can sweat without draining you. Store some up so that you have enough for the workout. Drink the larger amount during the cardio workouts since you are bound to sweat more than in a strength training workout.

4) Drink your water in all seasons
Just because it's cooler and you sweat less doesn't mean you don't need your water. In fact, you need it more so that the skin doesn't dry out and the body continues to have a healthy glow.

5) Thirst is a sign of dehydration
If you're waiting until you're thirsty to drink, then you are drinking too late. Consciously make yourself drink throughout the day. Avoid thirst as best as possible, for this denotes the body's last attempt at alerting you to the fact that it needs fluid.