Message from the Author/Editor

Thursday, July 31, 2008

First, I'd like to welcome you to my small footprint on the web! I've invited you into this small domain space of mine so that I may answer the question, or better yet, questions, that you are burning to get off your chest. I promise I won't waste much of your time, so let me jump into the main question on the tip of your tongue: "Who are you?"

Who am I? You wanna know about lil' ol' moi'? I'm flattered :-). Usually no one cares about the people in the background. I appreciate your interest. Well, anyone who is a family member or friend of mine definitely knows who I am. Everyone else will only know who I am if or when necessary. To put your mind at ease, I am a certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Professional. And yes, I do have credentials ;-).

In essence, my credentials only matter minimally. They are the reason I am knowledgeable, but they do not guarantee that the things I feature in my blog are law. I'm just stating my opinions. Anyone with a blogger account and mind to type can do that. But please realize that I am doing this out of my love for health and fitness, which means that I am dedicated to you to provide you with the best fitness and health information out there so that you are properly informed!

Now, does the fact that I am extremely dedicated to my profession make me an expert? No. Does this dedication mean that what I say goes? No. Does the fact that I'm dedicated mean that I know everything there is to know about health and fitness? DEFINITELY NO! The only thing that my dedication promises you is that I will make sure you have the most up to date information in regards to health and fitness, you have access to discuss whatever you like with someone who could probably give you great basic fitness advice, and all of my articles will be based on my personal opinion or experiences.

That's what dedication from me gets you. Does that sound good?
(at this point, your answer should be yes and from henceforth you will become a dedicated reader of my blog!) Great!

You're probably also wondering why a blog about health and fitness? This blog, F.I.T.T. Chronicles, has been a long time coming. In fact, it's long over due in my opinion. For years, family, friends and colleagues have constantly rattled me with fitness questions and concerns because of my knowledge and dedication to my profession.

I decided to do this blog for a few reasons, but the most overwhelming reason was that a blog is a great, if not the best, forum for me to discuss and share information about something that I am extremely passionate about: health and fitness. It's that simple.

The purpose of this blog shall be to inform the health conscious community, induct new individuals into the fitness movement and provide a forum where I can give out my own advice! Hahaha, just kidding on that last part...sort of. Enjoy the site!

The FITT Madam